Before submitting an Application Form to Adsense

adsense approvalWhen you make a blog or start your own website you'd come across a term Adsense. Google Adsense actually. Following may be the reasons why you'd like to read this article.
  • You were blogging just for fun but suddenly discovered that you can even earn via advertising. Of course, Adsense is the first choice. Then you went googling & landed here.
  • Your sole aim after blogging/website building was to make some extra bucks. If you've seeded & watered, you'd hopefully wait for fruits & flowers, No Doubt.
We'll take it from here considering ourselves a newbie.

Complexity or Order of Growth in Programming

Complexity or Order of Growth of a program plays a major role in efficient programming. It actually gives an idea of the time taken by your code to run and return correct answer.
  • Constant Complexity O(1) : constant running time
  • Linear Complexity O(n) : linear running time
  • Logarithmic Complexity O(log n) : logarithmic running time
  • Log-Linear Complexity O(n log n) : log-­linear running time
  • Polynomial Complexity O(n^c) : polynomial running time (c is a constant)
  • Exponential Complexity O(c^n) : exponential running time (c is a constant being raised to a power based on size of input)
But this doesn't explain anything, so lets go through some simple examples of each of them.

Python Objects: Dictionary (dict)

Dictionary or dict is generalization of Lists
In list we use [], while in dict {}

>>> l = ['three', 'five', 'one', 'seven']
>>> l[0] #here 0 in l[0] is called index and 0th index refers to three
>>> l[1]
>>> l[2]
>>> l[3]

Python Objects: Lists: Mutation of List

Lists are almost same as Tuples, but a huge difference is, Lists are mutable i.e. Lists can be modified after they are created unlike Tuples and Strings

For example, consider a Tuple:

Objects of Python : Tuples

What are Tuples?
Just go through following operations.

>>> t1 = (1,'two',3) #declaring tuple
>>> t1
(1, 'two', 3)
>>> print t1 #does the same thing as above
(1, 'two', 3)
>>> type(t1) #lets check the type of tuple
<type 'tuple'>

Recursion in Programming - Explained

We'll take an example of multiplying two numbers without using multiplication operator. This can be done in typical way of iteration.

For eg: If we are asked to multiply x and y, we'll keep adding x to x for y times

See the following code:

Finding Roots - Advanced (in Python)

Following is the explanation for finding roots (square root, cube root.... nth root) It requires prior knowledge of Bisection Search

This is the advancement of basic version of finding square root of only perfect squares

Linear Search v/s Bisection (Binary) Search

Linear Search:
  • It is a sequential search over a list.
  • A simple searching technique.
  • Used when elements in the list are Unsorted. 
  • Its not efficient. (Efficiency discussed below) 

Finding Square Root: Examples of Guess & Check Algorithm

"Guess and Check" - The phrase itself says that we will guess the answer and check, if condition is satisfied, that guess is our answer, else iterate.

An example for this can be, lets say we want to find square root of any perfect square.

Iteration or Looping

Iteration, Repetition, Looping
  • Start with a test
  • If evaluates to True, then execute loop body once, and go back to reevaluate the test
  • Repeat until test evaluates to False, after which code following iteration statement is executed

Branching Program: Using if, if else, nested if else, elif in Python

Branching programs

The simplest branching statement is a conditon
How to use if else, elif
  • A test (expression that evaluates to True or False) 
  • A block of code to execute
  • if the test is True!
  • An optional block of code to execute if the test is False!

Operations on String & some Simple Program Scripts

How to declare a string:

>>> myString = "We are learning" #double quotes are necessary
>>> myStr2 = 'Python' #even a single quote can be used
>>> print myString #print a Python in-built function
We are learning
>>> myString
'We are learning' #single quote indicates that variable myString is a string
>>> myStr2

Core Elements of Program: Compilation, Interpretation, Objects, Type Casting

For a code to run on your machine, machine should first understand the code and run the script accordingly.

There are two options for modern high level programming languages. A compiled language or an interpreted language.

Syntax, Static Semantics, Semantics of a Language

As the title suggests 'Learning Python' & also MIT's 6.00x course's Revision, we hereby will go through every aspect of the course as quickly as possible along with some frequently used Python tools.

I take this opportunity as a part of the Final Exam preparation. So we'll include all exam oriented points from the courseware. Best way to revise is to recall examples rather than going through all theory stuff.

Here we go.

Hands on Photoshop/GIMP

As a part of design team of major events MindBend & Sparsh in my institution NIT Surat I've designed following posters & a logo.

This is one of my favorites because the only GIMP tool used is Pen Tool. Rest effects were given by Gradient & Shadow features
Sparsh 2013 SVNIT
Logo for annual cultural fest SPARSH: Theme 'Superheroes'