Hobbyist Competitive Programmer to Software Developer at HackerEarth

Prologue - Late December 2012, beginning of a new semester.

Reached college campus 2-3 days earlier only to know that we have planned to "mass bunk" the first week. Had no plans whatsoever for the 10 days that lied ahead. Took a stroll around the hostel and found a guy who, I speculated had already started studying for mid-semester exam. On later inspection I found that he was solving some mathematical puzzle on codechef.com. I had heard that name before but never bothered to browse around. He explained me that puzzle with sample input and asked me for output. It all started there, the craving for the green AC tick.

Open Diary Post: How I lead 4 years of Computer Engineering

Life is like a real-time strategy game. Its great to know beforehand how others played it when they were at your situation. In this short post, I'm summing up scenarios I faced, decisions I made and their outcomes during four years of Computer Engineering.