6.00x MITx Python: Final Exam Preparation

MITx 6.00x FinalsJust thought of creating an online journal to revise things on the go, cause when I was reviewing video lectures from the beginning it took a lot of time. Sometimes I've to fast forward, normal pace at confusing situations & again fast forward made me sick of revising videos.

I'm only considering the Python language and use of its objects in this section.
This is just an index of all the topics upto Mid Term 1: (Still revising Classes is left for me :( )

Lets begin: (All the links lead to quick overview of respective topic and below the Titles I've briefly written about the stuff that topic contains)

  • Guess and Check method
    • Two small codes for finding square root of a perfect square and imperfect square. Use of abs() done in between.
  • Finding nth root
    • This one is included to resurrect forgotten ;-) programming skills that we learned in video lectures. Worth going through, it won't take much time though.
  • Recursion - How it works?
    • First coded an example in Iterative manner, then recursively, and then explained the recursive environment changes by using different colors.
  • Python Object - Tuples
    • Declaration, Singleton Tuple, Nested Tuple, Concatenation, Indexing and Slicing in Tuples
  • Python Object - Lists and its Mutation
    • Imp! Difference between Assigning a list and Copying a list (a self made image in the end explains it perfectly) and How List is different from String and Tuple